As the season transitions from summer to fall, we all anticipate a couple months of prime event weather. However, with this cooler weather comes one especially unwanted quest: hurricane season. While hurricane season is felt strongest by those living along the coast, the effects of these massive storms can be felt broadly in the surrounding cities and states in the form of strong winds, heavy rain, and flooding. It can be disheartening to spend months planning an event only to find out in the weeks or days prior that the forecast is not in your favor. While the circumstances may not be ideal, there are some steps you can take to ensure the show can go on in the eye of the storm.
Keep an eye on the forecast
When faced with hosting an event in the middle of a storm, the strongest tool in your arsenal is a reliable weather radar. Keeping an eye on current and forecasted weather conditions in the weeks, days, and even hours leading up to your event can help advise you on when action is needed and what steps you need to take. If you find yourself on the day of the event and the weather is unstable, changing quickly, it may be in your best interest to assign someone to keep an undistracted eye on the radar at all times, updating everyone as needed. It is important to frequently evaluate the situation and decide whether the event is safe to continue, or if it needs to be paused, delayed, rescheduled, or, if worse comes to worst, canceled.
Hope for the best, plan for the worst
The best way to handle inclement weather is to be proactive first, so when the time comes you have all the tools to react appropriately. This means knowing what kind of weather you expect to face and how to mitigate its effects on your event. This could include mapping out your venue and identifying the best places for guests to take shelter, drawing up an evacuation plan in case one becomes necessary, or stocking up on emergency items like first aid kits and battery-powered light sources. In situations where conditions can change rapidly, it is better to be over prepared than under prepared. It may also be helpful to talk to your vendors, refamiliarize yourself with their inclement weather policies, and make plans accordingly.
Head inside
It should go without saying that nobody should be expected to stand outside in a storm. So if heavy rain is coming your way, it’s time to head inside. Hopefully, if you’re planning an outdoor event, you already have a rain plan in place. If not, it’s time to think of one. Umbrellas and canopies can be great tools for keeping guests dry on a typical dreary day, but if you’re expecting storms with heavy rain and flooding, your guests need a more substantial shelter. This is especially true in situations where high wind speeds are present, as strong enough winds can scoop under umbrellas and canopies and lift them straight out of the ground, stakes and all.
Keep communications open
Communication is key in the face of potential and active disasters, so make sure to keep all lines open with both your team and your guests. If the weather starts looking dicey, people will likely start to wonder whether the event is still happening and if any changes will be made to their expectations, so letting them know your plans can both calm their anxieties and give them all the information they need to make an informed decision on how they will proceed. Communicating evacuation plans, shelter locations, and locations of emergency items can also help reduce panic, confusion, and response times should an emergent situation occur.
Stay positive
It’s natural to feel worried about uncertain conditions and disappointed that events aren’t unfolding exactly as you hoped, but try to remember that every cloud has a silver lining. Stay positive and try to focus on why, despite the bad weather, your event is able to go on. Whether everyone is here to celebrate something big like a wedding, birthday, or reunion, or if everyone is just here to have fun, spend time with friends and family, or support a good cause, focusing on why everyone chose to be here can help you find the bright side and stay positive. If you can remain calm and happy in spite of the circumstances, chances are your team and your guests will pick up on it and enjoy themselves all the more.